Our Unique Approach

  • We Only Succeed if you Succeed.

    Aquila’s structure is based upon a core belief that we should only benefit if we provide real tangible value to our clients. This shared objective allows our clients to be certain we are always working in their best interest.

  • We enact change through Synergy.

    Synergy is defined as, ‘ an interaction or cooperation giving rise to a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts.’ This core tenet of Aquila’s approach means we fully utilise our extensive network, appropriate partners and experts who, through cooperation with ourselves, add substantially more value to your business than if they were operating independently.

  • One Size truly doesn't fit all.

    Thanks to our unique model, we can offer new approaches and ways of interacting with various specialist partners where the benefit is identified. This makes the services provided by Aquila incredibly adaptable and capable of correctly helping business owners achieve their goal. This can be in stark contrast to many service providers who may advise in areas they are more comfortable, but not be the optimal route for the business.

  • We want to understand your business.

    Aquila understands how valuable a business owners time is, and therefore strives to minimise the amount of time you have to spend finding suitable service partners. The more we understand about your business, the more accurate our advice will be in the future when a need for a service partner is identified.

  • Fully utilise our network.

    From billionaires to playwrights, from CEOS of FTSE 100 companies to tech entrepreneurs, we have an extensive network of proven executors who can provide valuable insights which is near impossible to find anywhere else in Scotland. Our clients get full access to this network and it is utilised when appropriate.

  • We are solely focussed on the Scottish businesses.

    Aquila’s experience, understanding and contacts are mainly based in Scotland and as such, we feel that we can offer the best value to Scottish businesses. Our unique understanding of the Scottish market and extensive network allows us to offer an unfair advantage to clients.